Children Services
The services provide include
- Giving young people the opportunity to speak up, freedom to choose and make a decision and to know that they will make mistakes but can still grow from them.
- Working with various partners and organisations to add value to the service (Workers, Schools, SENS health professionals, police, and other agencies).
- Arranging and attending appointments, LAC reviews and necessary meetings.
- Helping with cleaning, and bed making whilst promoting young adult’s independence
- Taking young adults to college activities
- Helping young adults in preparing meals
- Administering medication where necessary
- Accessing specialist services i.e., counselling, therapy etc.
- Looked After Children (LAC) and Leaving Care aged 16 to 18 years or up to 24 years in some circumstances.
- Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) aged 16 and 18 years.
- UASC of 18 to 21 years with no recourse to public funds subject to a Human Rights assessment.
- Young people who are homeless aged 16 and 17 years.
- Young people remanded through the youth justice system aged 16 and 17 years.
- Provide supplementary staff within establishment or family environment

Who we provide services for
The young people we accommodate and support have varying needs which may include:
- Support Leavers.
- Ages 16-24
- Challenging behaviour
- Asylum Seekers
- Criminal and sexual exploitation, grooming and gangs
- Care Leavers
- Substance misuse issues
- Homeless young people
- Offending behaviour and complex needs
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.
- Young persons who have experienced a previous placement